Discover the Alabai Dog: A Comprehensive Guide to This Majestic Breed

Central Asian Shepherd Dog

History of Alabai Dog

    • Ancient Origins: CA Shepherd originated thousands of years ago, and the records proving its existence in Central Asia have been found.
    • Livestock Guardians: Has been employed in the past to fend off a variety of predators including; wolves, bears, and leopards that posed a threat to the nomadic tribes’ livestock.
    • Historical Records: The origin of the breed is considered to be among the first of the shepherd’s dogs, as mentioned in historical literature and records.
    • Cultural Significance: It has great social importance in countries such as Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan since it has always been useful in the pastures.
    • Modern Recognition: The Central Asian Shepherd Dog was recognised by an international kennel club later during the 20th century though it is not common outside its native area.
    • Continued Role:

General Appearance

  • Build: Brawny, sturdy, and strong; strongly made in bone and sinew and muscles.
  • Height: Measures in at an average height of 24 to 30 inches tall at the shoulder.
  • Weight: Mostly have a weight range of 88 to 143 pounds (40 to 65 kg) and the male is significantly bigger than the female.
  • Coat: Thick external coat that possesses thickness, crude and straight fur, and an immune undercoat that gives the dog warmth.
  • Color: The coat has a variety and may be in white, gray, brindle, fawn, or plain black with markings.
  • Head: Large and powerful especially in the region of the chest and stomach there is a marked stop; the size of the head is in proportion to the size of the body.
  • Eyes: Almond-shaped and dark to give it a look of constant watchfulness and intelligence.
  • Ears: Usually hangs up and could be pinned in some areas though most are natural.
  • Tail: Long and abundant; the strands are usually combed over the part of the body that is the back or curled in a spring-like manner.
  • Legs: Solid and sturdy, to support the functions of guarding and work in addition to appearance.


A symbol

Working requirements and tests


  1. Breed Group:
  2. Origin:
  3. Size:
  4. Coat and Color:
  5. Function:


 FAQs about the Alabai:

1. What is the Central Asian Shepherd Dog?

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog also called Alabai is a large powerful breed native to the five ‘Stans’ of South-Central Asia, bred by nomads for guarding livestock or territory.

2. How big do Alabais get?

3. Are Alabais good with families?

4. What kind of exercise do Alabais need?

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